Clovis Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 50 attachments to SFK.
Members who received this award: 1522
, Weatherman, gr1m, Marcus, smokerjan, ricric, pete_sinner, DOCTOR777, bulletdude, alloverthemap, Quietboy, n2oxyz, BLUEOYSTERCULT, 3lions, triggs, jaybee101, Staph, Blackbladder, sarmed2000, TheKingOfPain, vinnie, franka, fabiani, Tobacco Valley Kid, kayacan42, ozzyd9001, strawman7474, Tinker, chris_price, pcolakid, ness99, smokerxxx20000, leslietx, salami, akiross64, cigardj, LondonAshtrayBoy, smokyfetisher, robbyg1986, Ryapan, swiss, Gen.Hal, marco, Blow_it_at_Me, tjakie, partisan, madchenwillkomm, stefgitanes, x5cey, smithbill1000, zorro13, daveydude, Salomon, visualsmoke, babalon93, markus99, AMC81, ericcartjman, seksi11, smoking_girl_lover, elvenwise, Byonic, sheinhalesdeeply, mefish, Sweetuniverse, smokeyemile, geordie, burn20001, zorg, korn333, wise05, ric918, bteen80, shark99, SuperShooter, fotografoleo, trosha, Gary198108, loon44, jd619, vincent75000, CharmCityHooligan, motorbot, lasttrip, srv327, Blackie Gallagher, algist, amandaplum, billabong222, pulse99, saabastegakass, JoeKamel, johng, fflint100, charly, johjue120s, jlon33, KinkyC, oicudo2, emc22, takealook, captdg, trevorspiro, brooksie1946, nerrad, megabone, snoop, ajsc09473, cccigar, ddgregoryy, deidracowen, smokeman50, smokyb, rorycal, rawsmoke, crater, Kirby, Winger534, vanbruje, swmuk04, mefff, hudson72, cigarloverguy, odie1978, sweetbear, andregoto, cigarboopy, bandini5x, homeslice, zeugnimed, grizzly, suzie, KundaliniKinkster, majingaz, cbk456, Capnofagnia, Lizza69, bertie bassett, frogdude2100, Jeryy1980, Krooni, memadnow, Lady Madonna, czayya, "R.D.", Joey Hammer, edstoddard64, szedan, Wheels63, moscguy67, valley757, siegurd, MandyUK, ffforargh, Rawflame, lallamaverde, Phantom II, wanchor64, geopot, koltranus, Sinistress, larrie6, crazyc100, lornastuart, SilverFoot, flymang, Blazer Bob, brian_esq, Disgruntled, chantman, Gojira, Scope2351, corkluver, satinsmoke, paul353, incognito, Black Watch, Reggie, fredall, ah1000, Rothbhoy, vliegensvlug, bigfastred, tgirlsmoking, drinkingastout, erikalilpryncess, CRJSUB, DarkKnight, bodhidharma13, jrlem, hardtoy, yeti575, itsme5150, nickbread, joesoap, JoeDGlow, McFetish, garr2525, Slyfonk, Flwriter, headcoatman, farutopia, abvavgprime8, condor3, PhilipE, snoop dogg, bahama, baulen, tente222, 3rdSIDE, gcc5582, bl33h, blowitatme, fetish4me2, holderglvs, service, johnnyboy3220, mrhughes33, tchaiky, wicasa, zebdubber, leather120, darkervic, sonpao, jonnyq, max80128, Twicker, smokingdolls, swedishsmoker, randyp, alexander, kazed2203, Diane Knox, jon4_1999, kprhldrfaq, morefinder, spotsiefert, stevenic, smokeymouths.com, Purgatorio, kram5017, TV Lady Tina, allan, smokeyemma, MicGio, Vesperae, wajahat, aftermath213, BritMatt, turkey, parzi77, rfman2001, Nicotina, LloydBank$, troy123, donrirvi, luv2watch, ducati998rs, russ10002003, henryvan, Alexxxya, Spirou, bigal999_999, ChiStogie, cecelia1986, ramoac123, smoke_slave, smokey7575, smokeslavemart, nagev, vanessacuir, slaveex99, olskool2, Chakdey, smoking_lover, donner, marveltube83, jj009, insx99, Marb100smults, MRix85, Bonnie, lustforlooove, Hell On Heels, Mrvincent, magnum, divxsmoker, mcamer08, TimRRT, mm63221, smokeintoronto, sethmorgan, supremorolero, schwenks10, theatergod, mmcmorris1, deanm65, smoking2atonce, SirLion, hutoh, rocker17, profviolao, redprince, maakumba, noodengang, glenn1000, Merca Constance, Kristofer, ibere11, tallman, caduldna, wilesu1, bigaudio, paulcrookson, veltjens, lurgee, pro64, ossie99, tim4lb, Radioactive Toy, roxy1234, dwp4ocl, Bidius, jim_jimmy23, doominicus, samojosi, Ledertraum, Roxolit, SnapNinjah, Drumstick46, cutey_hanii_sama, sycophant82, nairbcon, trmax12, stalinman, GuntherGunt, n0tAn00b, doober123, EAllen1797, gabz2009, jonnycat1974, ronsprpp2, usemymouth, trobakas9, Willard, prijon, funinthesun, Wolfhowl, zelda, templeda, vernakarey, Chudak, werner, majic12, aficionadalover, lowbass, qwert, samjanus, sigep91, the_jackal1962, Ralf268, Sighter, markoandemily, jaaguero81, decandia, hulk12, BENTLEY_59, dicerollnc, zimmerman67, InChina, exdensurg, hgoergens, jonwilliamson, grogor02, sfksfk, galover, dirtyb, 5iveuk, frasier, amdot, oldcrazyone2, mamoulian69, Lemonjelly, SmokinTamiTV, zeus0r, larsema, mrcohiba, Gazza2009, paulminor, vdeluca22, kilsyth, Lisa Denton, Tawni, pralicia, chrissyrose, MsLisaGloves, mordum, harley, mkolandian, one20daze, Tryst, minkandsatin, flashman, nicolarson, ndk54, vincentsissy, squid3, deepdrag4mebaby, Vicio Sano, Benson&HedgesBoy, tarheel, bigduke69, PhilCigar, Horizon_menthol, thighboot, toffel22, diablo, smokeislife, brasilpow, lasontoni, sramas, saltydog48, neo42, Hawke1432, skyslicer75, noochboy, fardmann, racerx51, negro105, 99starman, derrobert, jurpe, ricardoreis, karaokepmp, sreaf, frank_emule, darklover, kevinmcg, Zack_, pimpin, ralphmalph, mountainman, cootesmeer, entregado, crazyidiotiam, Maximvs, sweet_vitix, adamling, tbelden, smokey69, sindre2104, pinganser, bilfert, havanaman, testingworld, hannamclure, Da Bull, BerkeleyMenthol, jaymzyshep, man948, woobiex, bill2008, Briggs, spike, tvsmokelover, angusog, splitshot638, Retro Roxy, smokegoggles, trawets, Saemsn, Fred1373, Doc_Sport, dannycad2001, texas74, mipmip, jlenil, ske17, rave1981, colinbell, george123, dannyman, umbro, zx6r306, itsbrian, thefan, Aarkey, thed0n, essss, AloHa, xdad72, mallysm, Howard, lululu, kj7770, elbren, grantsherwood, odin793, smokinblonde, ozzel2002, jump895, timmth1, WhiteGirl, Luvvkissn, dillaj90, Kolombin, kryptikkomatose, cigarwill, battman, Top68, Adventurous_uk, dereklisa, noname73uk, hengst, 2reticent, mr clean, doby222, m120_slover, mardar, gPsBassist, djsmoke, hunglee, jay101, yoaquinito, jamesedna, john23, trigger, Orlando, roluxke, Creedmoor, nihao, minskas100, beebean, jlsf10, dirty_bird, Kaeptn_Iglo, Iallen, mitzy..., SmkfetishNkc, cyberman09, felecia2002, pollux, klassy, mdj2018, nttv2, BuckBrown, SamoaJ, smokinglover, ofirkuper, upupu, clusterone, BlackCoffee, mike miles, maxpower, burton, smokersam, pbud01, riverside, Dewa99, Davidson, cigarhoops, Greene, ronron102, coldcard, nounou, harmony, suzieuktv, robespierre, George Tyerbyter, capnolagnia, smokering, ajlea2k, beamerman212, aa1981, fritzauskitz, thghgv, timsim, sickunderwood, ral_leather, mi655321, Moitajedi, borjaramos, roadrunner, sweepers, ADA412, wintersday34, Studybear, wolf30, borg_kim, bianca, Jamie Benson, Bickr1, frijj, srayn, russo2b001, b717xtm, Tai Shan, fritz, Lucia, kingdom, bobby_194, Mac Winters, benson100, Grendel, fyreken, 120sFinatic, kdogger58, bazzle001, padawan, endjake, anreben, ladyholder, gantz123, tanyalyn, Neill, partnparcel, zzab29, Churupica, countinguk, gwennie, marcos, Nicotina Tease, bohol90, elemar, locojo, kev85, LONEWOLF, toshiba, Teylor, DGoodh, pangelop, caddman, EdwardJ, Themistocles, chrislangdon, Cloves, gargoyle, CoolGlam, ulcusan, mrskibob, satalili, MenAreSlaves, sluttyemmy, Maxtor80, daniae, edan77, judgexo, AvroArrow, alman, her ashtray, woodnav, billybunter, Dejono, CasualVisitor, DarkriderIII, AngBNewport100s, styzer, fremen333, cassandratv120, Deeznuts2010, perfectkisser, gli_wrx, tonyk2000, Reaper1990, Fedro, naricson, Twizking, Lowtech, sandman, Slaveman, bimats, NYNY10, st4lt3r, greg_battiste, devrimcitansel, dysuc, gizmodgery, robito82, izthewiz, mappa201, jefflapp, smawka, jhaejhae, marmite, fireluver, MistrixMsE, spankyjames, pypcd, stephen1966, mikescigar, stonewall, elliotf9, sanderson, PenguinStreet, chromedome, mward180, smooch, christbacon, cigarsmokingman, gorfumbrage, bitkaz, Shania, Abandapart, Vesuvius, liorgr83, highrollerjiw, hobsshop, candider, maci3k, 72chev, GBVGUY, iznogod123, dajoma36, rulustick, USA Smokers, liljav1, newyork533, multiman, The Cookster, loadmaster011, thefireman, irina, Mike80, abells5150, Mom's_Little_TV, cockmongler, karatop, ralphus44, trouble1952, slayer4ever, risingtide, calismoke, nosay, behindthescenes, kotperski, wolfsmoke, 3tan3, Tonypizzicata, Malatesta., Silkcut2, dinomino, bbryan, dididi, Popo2, worldpeace, Jefka, boyfriday34, smoking_oysidius, Big Col 52, kidglove, ladyinsmoke, combatjiujitsu, 00smk00, svetlana, saveusrandy, musikman1, jeffgyxr, LemonFresh, src0241, mec898, MNutte, tiffany5269, castorex, bustypiercedsmokers, squonk12, DrForbin, Selina Minx, Tobbert, bymboo, reggie1, bernyberny, wilzam, lasttrip2, chaser, rustypnz, zcbmlui12, santabear, ryaz2u, robert90, Pimpedelic, Ropa69, plateman, dereksmith199020, alexnio39, Pepsi82, catalanbcn, st1zz, AngelusDawn, Bobnoxious, sigaretslave, randombrown29, sbjfet55, greatlaird1, rouxeau, Squirrel Hunter, smklvr69, chiburgen, mixoplixo, MALOIV, sperrier, mdm1960, huggebear, herbie fried2, Sargaso19, tays73, Dekard421, smokeyio2000, leesagrrl, Alamo001, truffle, adamchoc, jj21fla, jdick8, usersatch, cigarman, oihools, ello11, hermansuburban, niketalker8, peapot, sabeth17, Promark, gumboz17, fortune, Mrvincent2, tm200721, legion4ry, samourai1979, MarkIV, Kolonikos, tilov, Geronimo, brentjav, jjavos, sluttysmoker, fetishlove, smokinJim, StretchGSK, huwpig, catbuckle, esteban clarke, caveman777, japoniec, Harper, MicGio2, 5iveuk2, helohero2, adarkmistress, Hannahlisa, Lorablack2, bobs894, mashaw, phillsmith32, nondyan, block, madchenwillkomm2, chronoc, spock, smoking12345, aprendiz76, doominicus2, dervish99, photosheer, karpov, bobafett, tarinlungs, funkydischarge, rustybx, wolfman, yoohoo, Shadow_dragoN, CrazySwede1966, jbeanz2017, jsmo2000, johann, strangeuk, mucilon, dueager2001, FreddyF, metallicsnake, Jedra, tonyp, willsner08, anwarhc2, whiterhino00, zlykapucyn, bigkwk, jslim986, panette, nottoosure, MNR__, xikuzus2, salesmaster1, stacy, methodmanredman, tuatara, san francisco girls, blasko, skifla, thunder55, ojiisanhikui, artemusjones, bmthrash, illinifan311, Darkstar1280, britneydoesdoit, voodoosmoking, MichelleRose, ruicosta, palmpilot, sugarfiend, yolanda, pdiddy, wilwat, madwhacker, ap2534, drfyadtom, DiscreetDog, Didier, jessicaalba7v, fetcand, karadok, SmokeAce, alparisien, performax, ijiji, dthcdthc, dan7ley, scooterman, IbenSG, joeschmou, kristinNwpBOX100s, mirrimus, mlt055120, bolt77, bobo57, magicrat1960, mickswagger, wazzy68, goatman4724, nancylachance, GIACOMO!!, Level_FF, John Benson, ss36f, bigshark101, aeryonz, nancy, Sir Raleigh Vanderpool, lobo68, warren, splashy, albgolf, mmm hmm, diosif, Felix Culpa, kodos9000, locosmoke, cigart3, tassmand, tiberio75, nav1701e, bimbo, pedroneto, maluki34, muryru, tford, clint barton, AustinSwingerCpl, gnome-guy, davidluisbega, andrucharm, Lgore69, Odet-Cascadec-Bollor, dean407, easttexas, rol124, vimmers, arioch7, kenmc153, barista, kallikene, Rachel Loves Cock!, jaloose, valalei, dsarge55, pacopil, monstrodobiscoito, dogfish1, OneSmoke, asfs64, vipswsalta, farmermick, thetigerscorpio, Gugman55, bllclntn, MasterNewb, pchantalat, Kel37, Lance1962, Outlawps, mauka123, englishjohn, Goodtimes27, Xsmoking1, dontakuri, wmedici, zappata, patagonica, Wob_m, scottc, Nickos, user0726, day12day, Mykhael, Tom1988, Redcloak31, sfkpm501, mattj123443, lesparis, Regy69, FutureSmoke.com, sexcuir, userloser, TS interrupted, andrew85uk, ilpl604, multidrags, Stenonis, stormee98, Smokerella, biggs85, big-shot, Luciana.Veneto, xxbraddiesxx, odin45, paco_alias2003, mrwolf, hobbs0077, juice_terry, frog352000, Alienmojo, erjebeth321, ROSSYOK, saxon, jet231, skellman, Smawka2, ForceFed79, welltea, prioda, DaniBR, FKeagle4, capt_kirk_uk, sacon, simonhillman, Rubbertooth, averagejoe, speedking59, alanb, tigersmurf, zadude, Hitman79, mds61, LipstickLover, scriminel, Anna_Stromberg, wolf wilde, greenswift, marlbororedhead, miller6225, neworder73, rockstar31, Katyacd, ashboy04, Bob W., canopus, nilrs, BigRed, booted, bradsubmale60, wcs69, corsair1210, Goldengrin, ScottAdams, cydia, Smoothal, dudemz, Estopa, jables, kibo666, sfblgr, jay155, tonyhud, jimmyjazz, lazymonday, Zarah Carlton, smokelvr1971, 2kool, k0ala, HenryPearson, Scuba27, Dogg1013, pale_horse, Danobie, ptsd1, teelok, Ali Baba, DC Taco, lizard11, B.B.B., smokeymike5, Ulrich, 3-in-6, FacialFanatic, McMuddy51, nicobling, cjmv50, mikey.t, aug47, agorrih, C00lC, mgm4lsu, nomercy1980, f.bondee, skydyed, vasya_x, Nube Plateada, firebird, PetraPaul, ixinski, chubbie1, smoker65, burlychi, meltin, cloudy, Magolas, fetishaddict, Soulfly, d71ho, Krelian15, greenkeeper96, bigbacon66, MilkyWhiteCenter, ovrnight, talon9, smokefetishfan, smokinjoe62, happygilmore, smokingshemalefan, xxxpoc, panache, Smoking Dawn, derrick1025, BillClinton, marty simms, turtlesarecool99, eandcingram, george1010, beppes77, catacroker, Varmint, homer, hollwocheeks, pernesieus, tzdon, paliv, AnnabelEnzo, mellowman, Mickey77, Hula_, Key888, nebelschwade, smk1234, itsme, kevhead22, cygnet, urkamamil, jlove89144, Thesmkml, italico, SmokeLover0428, animalrev1, smokingfetish70, shopslave11, marco05, jsmoke1025, Balthazar Blake, welshlad, garyh, hgfan1010, akil ammar, franLO, Sophie Smoke, Wellin, breterocar, simpleton, molson dry, boner punch, Secret Smoky Room, budge, CamelBlues, vertigo, avallon, diver303, cdavid, wfppp, zonkla, Baeron, anthonycam, jonesy4567, Bussprin, smkrtc, britmick, mak69, drop74, kw2012, Felipe, Tinatwist, han solo, holder fan, berrysmoke, Gokiritsu, smokin.babes, lessthanjake, laughingoutloud, ashboy2012, mbentertainment23, kellonson, bishop88, eduardo82, Harley_Stone, echlol, darth octavius, airwolfone, stilettonails, joana.cigarswagger, Mwoodrow1990, Rusky, miss.smokey, dave_2007, TheMoreDiva, bfa79, smokefan1, yopyopyopyop, SF_Guy, smoking-essex19, Iamlegendary, tonicadroni, djekk, allanallan, wops1971, leather49101, Vinz Clortho, Drakin, samkhoury, recall, bebetomas, tkoniu1969, smokinggirlfetish, xraydude, MagCat, porrazo, spanqee, jackwxyz, katarina, Vegeta, dazzy, bloody joke, CougarPrey, ptpos, Boblabinne, sexysmokingmum, mamo6969, Jarworski, Rancid, lucca, Maturin, sfbdel, Leathersmoke81, JayJaySmokin, philtin, Jefkip, stephanie, bajsarne79, tomc37, Villainess Studio, smokeyboy60, fjrpojlo, saudade, Smokey Dokey, smush, Old Chestnut, jejs69, BR26354, Slsmike, scooterNo1, lovebbwsmokers, Cruel Fem, flipflap, Flix2501, Keks8969, 49holbrook, 69smoke, Ozium99, rushyescrim, stenhiuse, GarGirls, zenmasterdj, hacker36, Blablaosv, RuEmerald, DeeCee123, eve120lover, bbwmanbtown, mindnumb, Pdlogger, brthsmk, vanno, Lady CherieNoir, RachaelSMKaesthete, the_king2009, KingLerxst, granthem, jeanmarie, hannoilightup, Smokemystogie, Ghostship, danone, CIGARBT, Al_21, oscar_s, jokovino, smking_ladies_lover, LostWorld, gregorsamsa95, super66, ancient, mike45, giudagiu, bearmac, verde, Corno, Darkzeus, Smoklok, Rune14, vee460, dman81469, CLP_ED, PrismaticRoom, karsten1975, jaguarr, markrj2001@gmail.com, vansmouk, Smoke., teddy, lisardo10, ferrari italiano, baneofsmoking, SmokeEater, Oysidius, Gladstone, indosmoker, colin_f50, jules2620, CapriPink, LaraDeLuxe, saint1228, snowdrop, Cfoxx, eurosmoke-fanboy, bonesdelarge, mstevens434, rested, bob zoz, Draven, jjstokes, ariel87, Jcrazy1150, johndoeitaly, Rustrally, MyDemonLover, radds1963, hrpuffnstuff, cigfetisher01, Corkslvr, tezes, santoluzbel77, sentinel, HerosKsantis666, nmdjh123, Karanr, CowgirlStyler, bethanny, chunkyman, Tyler Durden, dick butt, pete1200, bootlove, vanessa tarte, Fielding Mellish, Giugiola, smokelove123, Joselyn Pink, Matchlight, GoddessGemma, kindofblue, John Public, marmont, nosign, Shannon Denae, smoke4me2008, m1040499, Adam81, duval, Juniorjunior, sameersagar89, Smokestroker, carontrample, Hurrhurr1234, Kevws, MistressRougeUK, PointeDu, Juggalo, ThatsEvil, mammamia1, Pirhana04, AkiraShell, Londoner, CozyCodi, Jd1690, demonchildd666, bouha, keyserkeyser, Alliance studios, mastersjoke, shinichi, Metal_Mickey, LadyRuby, guddi1, rammram, jasonwingman, rfrancis01, bbmc39, Julien, contact_vk, tommy1142, Openbeta, oren000111, jessicasmk, hadoukenchips, johnnytslide2, shesmokes100s, steppenwolf, soma198, slut2use, Smkrgrl, thisisalbundy1, chryme, Rauchen Frau, CaptainVideo, Langtowncup, bdcarlo, silverwindmiguel, Joice, WaltersEgos, yoppy69, SmokyRad, VirginiaSX, NicotinEL, dca68, luvfilter, jerricho, Soup7, whyamihere?, leroydude, rafrrafr, 78TRN, Digital, Darkstar24601, estebanclarke, smokeyboy_911, Foxhunter, Fetishart57, Srthom, borynotsmk, pvckat, dylonsmith, ddd555, argonautbell, mash87th, tightexhale, K-Com, Awiat, T0nyK, talisman45, slavek999, DavidJohnG, pablolopez, Macrok, dearsmoker, Ludvig, MannySanchez, bonixuk, sausack76, makeup, capnolagniac, BigSmoke90, Dozer, Candela, Satanicsmoker, Susan Smokes, Subjimuk, JMS1984, Bootsmoker, Foxxy, kygo69, VAsmoker, magiczorro, capnolagnia0013, Dakota Fetish, pepee1965
Request Award
Charlemagne Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 500 attachments to SFK.
Members who received this award: 540
, Weatherman, gr1m, ricric, bulletdude, alloverthemap, Quietboy, BLUEOYSTERCULT, 3lions, jaybee101, Blackbladder, TheKingOfPain, franka, fabiani, kayacan42, strawman7474, Tinker, pcolakid, smokerxxx20000, salami, cigardj, smokyfetisher, robbyg1986, Ryapan, marco, madchenwillkomm, stefgitanes, x5cey, Salomon, visualsmoke, AMC81, ericcartjman, smoking_girl_lover, Byonic, smokeyemile, zorg, bteen80, shark99, SuperShooter, fotografoleo, trosha, motorbot, lasttrip, srv327, algist, fflint100, johjue120s, jlon33, takealook, trevorspiro, brooksie1946, cccigar, ddgregoryy, smokeman50, smokyb, Kirby, Winger534, vanbruje, swmuk04, hudson72, andregoto, suzie, KundaliniKinkster, cbk456, Capnofagnia, Lizza69, frogdude2100, memadnow, "R.D.", Joey Hammer, edstoddard64, Wheels63, siegurd, Rawflame, Phantom II, wanchor64, geopot, koltranus, lornastuart, SilverFoot, Disgruntled, Gojira, Scope2351, paul353, incognito, ah1000, Rothbhoy, tgirlsmoking, erikalilpryncess, DarkKnight, hardtoy, yeti575, nickbread, joesoap, farutopia, abvavgprime8, condor3, tente222, mrhughes33, tchaiky, wicasa, darkervic, sonpao, max80128, Twicker, swedishsmoker, kazed2203, Diane Knox, jon4_1999, kprhldrfaq, morefinder, smokeymouths.com, MicGio, Vesperae, turkey, LloydBank$, luv2watch, bigal999_999, ChiStogie, smokey7575, vanessacuir, marveltube83, Marb100smults, MRix85, lustforlooove, Hell On Heels, Mrvincent, sethmorgan, supremorolero, schwenks10, deanm65, SirLion, hutoh, profviolao, glenn1000, Merca Constance, veltjens, pro64, ossie99, tim4lb, roxy1234, Bidius, SnapNinjah, Drumstick46, nairbcon, trmax12, GuntherGunt, n0tAn00b, usemymouth, templeda, vernakarey, Chudak, werner, majic12, aficionadalover, samjanus, sigep91, the_jackal1962, hulk12, BENTLEY_59, InChina, hgoergens, grogor02, dirtyb, 5iveuk, mamoulian69, SmokinTamiTV, mrcohiba, Gazza2009, Tawni, mordum, mkolandian, flashman, squid3, Vicio Sano, Benson&HedgesBoy, bigduke69, PhilCigar, toffel22, diablo, smokeislife, brasilpow, lasontoni, Hawke1432, noochboy, racerx51, negro105, sreaf, darklover, pimpin, ralphmalph, mountainman, cootesmeer, entregado, crazyidiotiam, bilfert, jaymzyshep, man948, bill2008, tvsmokelover, Retro Roxy, Saemsn, dannycad2001, jlenil, colinbell, george123, dannyman, Aarkey, essss, xdad72, mallysm, kj7770, grantsherwood, odin793, timmth1, WhiteGirl, Luvvkissn, mr clean, mardar, jamesedna, john23, Creedmoor, nihao, minskas100, ofirkuper, upupu, burton, Dewa99, Davidson, suzieuktv, robespierre, George Tyerbyter, beamerman212, timsim, Moitajedi, sweepers, ADA412, frijj, srayn, russo2b001, Tai Shan, fritz, Grendel, 120sFinatic, anreben, tanyalyn, countinguk, marcos, elemar, locojo, toshiba, DGoodh, Themistocles, gargoyle, ulcusan, sluttyemmy, edan77, AvroArrow, her ashtray, Fedro, bimats, NYNY10, greg_battiste, izthewiz, jhaejhae, mikescigar, chromedome, mward180, smooch, Shania, Abandapart, candider, maci3k, iznogod123, USA Smokers, newyork533, The Cookster, loadmaster011, trouble1952, slayer4ever, calismoke, nosay, kotperski, Silkcut2, Popo2, boyfriday34, kidglove, combatjiujitsu, 00smk00, svetlana, LemonFresh, tiffany5269, castorex, DrForbin, Tobbert, reggie1, bernyberny, lasttrip2, chaser, zcbmlui12, plateman, Pepsi82, sbjfet55, Squirrel Hunter, MALOIV, huggebear, herbie fried2, Sargaso19, cigarman, ello11, hermansuburban, sabeth17, Promark, Mrvincent2, samourai1979, StretchGSK, catbuckle, japoniec, MicGio2, 5iveuk2, helohero2, Hannahlisa, Lorablack2, bobs894, mashaw, madchenwillkomm2, chronoc, aprendiz76, doominicus2, photosheer, karpov, bobafett, tarinlungs, yoohoo, CrazySwede1966, jbeanz2017, jsmo2000, johann, strangeuk, mucilon, dueager2001, willsner08, anwarhc2, whiterhino00, nottoosure, MNR__, xikuzus2, salesmaster1, tuatara, san francisco girls, skifla, artemusjones, illinifan311, britneydoesdoit, ruicosta, ap2534, DiscreetDog, Didier, jessicaalba7v, scooterman, kristinNwpBOX100s, bobo57, John Benson, bigshark101, nancy, Sir Raleigh Vanderpool, lobo68, warren, splashy, cigart3, tassmand, tiberio75, maluki34, muryru, clint barton, andrucharm, Lgore69, Odet-Cascadec-Bollor, rol124, kenmc153, jaloose, OneSmoke, thetigerscorpio, bllclntn, pchantalat, Xsmoking1, patagonica, scottc, user0726, Mykhael, Redcloak31, sfkpm501, lesparis, FutureSmoke.com, ilpl604, multidrags, Smokerella, Luciana.Veneto, odin45, paco_alias2003, mrwolf, hobbs0077, Alienmojo, FKeagle4, Hitman79, mds61, wolf wilde, marlbororedhead, Katyacd, booted, bradsubmale60, corsair1210, Goldengrin, sfblgr, k0ala, Danobie, ptsd1, DC Taco, B.B.B., smokeymike5, Ulrich, aug47, C00lC, f.bondee, skydyed, Magolas, d71ho, smokinjoe62, happygilmore, Smoking Dawn, BillClinton, marty simms, Varmint, tzdon, mellowman, Hula_, Key888, cygnet, urkamamil, Thesmkml, italico, animalrev1, smokingfetish70, jsmoke1025, Balthazar Blake, garyh, Wellin, boner punch, vertigo, Bussprin, smkrtc, drop74, holder fan, berrysmoke, smokin.babes, laughingoutloud, mbentertainment23, airwolfone, Rusky, dave_2007, smokefan1, djekk, allanallan, wops1971, tkoniu1969, MagCat, jackwxyz, Vegeta, dazzy, Boblabinne, Jarworski, sfbdel, Jefkip, Villainess Studio, fjrpojlo, Old Chestnut, Slsmike, flipflap, Keks8969, stenhiuse, zenmasterdj, RuEmerald, eve120lover, brthsmk, RachaelSMKaesthete, the_king2009, hannoilightup, oscar_s, jokovino, bearmac, vee460, vansmouk, Gladstone, colin_f50, snowdrop, mstevens434, Draven, Rustrally, hrpuffnstuff, Karanr, CowgirlStyler, Tyler Durden, bootlove, Fielding Mellish, Giugiola, nosign, Shannon Denae, m1040499, duval, Juniorjunior, Smokestroker, Hurrhurr1234, Kevws, PointeDu, Pirhana04, demonchildd666, bouha, keyserkeyser, shinichi, Metal_Mickey, bbmc39, oren000111, johnnytslide2, steppenwolf, Rauchen Frau, CaptainVideo, Langtowncup, silverwindmiguel, Joice, SmokyRad, Darkstar24601, ddd555, mash87th, Ludvig, bonixuk, capnolagniac, Subjimuk, JMS1984, Bootsmoker, capnolagnia0013
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