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Icon Name / Description
Clovis Medal Clovis Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 50 attachments to SFK.

Members who received this award: 1522
, Weatherman, gr1m, Marcus, smokerjan, ricric, pete_sinner, DOCTOR777, bulletdude, alloverthemap, Quietboy, n2oxyz, BLUEOYSTERCULT, 3lions, triggs, jaybee101, Staph, Blackbladder, sarmed2000, TheKingOfPain, vinnie, franka, fabiani, Tobacco Valley Kid, kayacan42, ozzyd9001, strawman7474, Tinker, chris_price, pcolakid, ness99, smokerxxx20000, leslietx, salami, akiross64, cigardj, LondonAshtrayBoy, smokyfetisher, robbyg1986, Ryapan, swiss, Gen.Hal, marco, Blow_it_at_Me, tjakie, partisan, madchenwillkomm, stefgitanes, x5cey, smithbill1000, zorro13, daveydude, Salomon, visualsmoke, babalon93, markus99, AMC81, ericcartjman, seksi11, smoking_girl_lover, elvenwise, Byonic, sheinhalesdeeply, mefish, Sweetuniverse, smokeyemile, geordie, burn20001, zorg, korn333, wise05, ric918, bteen80, shark99, SuperShooter, fotografoleo, trosha, Gary198108, loon44, jd619, vincent75000, CharmCityHooligan, motorbot, lasttrip, srv327, Blackie Gallagher, algist, amandaplum, billabong222, pulse99, saabastegakass, JoeKamel, johng, fflint100, charly, johjue120s, jlon33, KinkyC, oicudo2, emc22, takealook, captdg, trevorspiro, brooksie1946, nerrad, megabone, snoop, ajsc09473, cccigar, ddgregoryy, deidracowen, smokeman50, smokyb, rorycal, rawsmoke, crater, Kirby, Winger534, vanbruje, swmuk04, mefff, hudson72, cigarloverguy, odie1978, sweetbear, andregoto, cigarboopy, bandini5x, homeslice, zeugnimed, grizzly, suzie, KundaliniKinkster, majingaz, cbk456, Capnofagnia, Lizza69, bertie bassett, frogdude2100, Jeryy1980, Krooni, memadnow, Lady Madonna, czayya, "R.D.", Joey Hammer, edstoddard64, szedan, Wheels63, moscguy67, valley757, siegurd, MandyUK, ffforargh, Rawflame, lallamaverde, Phantom II, wanchor64, geopot, koltranus, Sinistress, larrie6, crazyc100, lornastuart, SilverFoot, flymang, Blazer Bob, brian_esq, Disgruntled, chantman, Gojira, Scope2351, corkluver, satinsmoke, paul353, incognito, Black Watch, Reggie, fredall, ah1000, Rothbhoy, vliegensvlug, bigfastred, tgirlsmoking, drinkingastout, erikalilpryncess, CRJSUB, DarkKnight, bodhidharma13, jrlem, hardtoy, yeti575, itsme5150, nickbread, joesoap, JoeDGlow, McFetish, garr2525, Slyfonk, Flwriter, headcoatman, farutopia, abvavgprime8, condor3, PhilipE, snoop dogg, bahama, baulen, tente222, 3rdSIDE, gcc5582, bl33h, blowitatme, fetish4me2, holderglvs, service, johnnyboy3220, mrhughes33, tchaiky, wicasa, zebdubber, leather120, darkervic, sonpao, jonnyq, max80128, Twicker, smokingdolls, swedishsmoker, randyp, alexander, kazed2203, Diane Knox, jon4_1999, kprhldrfaq, morefinder, spotsiefert, stevenic,, Purgatorio, kram5017, TV Lady Tina, allan, smokeyemma, MicGio, Vesperae, wajahat, aftermath213, BritMatt, turkey, parzi77, rfman2001, Nicotina, LloydBank$, troy123, donrirvi, luv2watch, ducati998rs, russ10002003, henryvan, Alexxxya, Spirou, bigal999_999, ChiStogie, cecelia1986, ramoac123, smoke_slave, smokey7575, smokeslavemart, nagev, vanessacuir, slaveex99, olskool2, Chakdey, smoking_lover, donner, marveltube83, jj009, insx99, Marb100smults, MRix85, Bonnie, lustforlooove, Hell On Heels, Mrvincent, magnum, divxsmoker, mcamer08, TimRRT, mm63221, smokeintoronto, sethmorgan, supremorolero, schwenks10, theatergod, mmcmorris1, deanm65, smoking2atonce, SirLion, hutoh, rocker17, profviolao, redprince, maakumba, noodengang, glenn1000, Merca Constance, Kristofer, ibere11, tallman, caduldna, wilesu1, bigaudio, paulcrookson, veltjens, lurgee, pro64, ossie99, tim4lb, Radioactive Toy, roxy1234, dwp4ocl, Bidius, jim_jimmy23, doominicus, samojosi, Ledertraum, Roxolit, SnapNinjah, Drumstick46, cutey_hanii_sama, sycophant82, nairbcon, trmax12, stalinman, GuntherGunt, n0tAn00b, doober123, EAllen1797, gabz2009, jonnycat1974, ronsprpp2, usemymouth, trobakas9, Willard, prijon, funinthesun, Wolfhowl, zelda, templeda, vernakarey, Chudak, werner, majic12, aficionadalover, lowbass, qwert, samjanus, sigep91, the_jackal1962, Ralf268, Sighter, markoandemily, jaaguero81, decandia, hulk12, BENTLEY_59, dicerollnc, zimmerman67, InChina, exdensurg, hgoergens, jonwilliamson, grogor02, sfksfk, galover, dirtyb, 5iveuk, frasier, amdot, oldcrazyone2, mamoulian69, Lemonjelly, SmokinTamiTV, zeus0r, larsema, mrcohiba, Gazza2009, paulminor, vdeluca22, kilsyth, Lisa Denton, Tawni, pralicia, chrissyrose, MsLisaGloves, mordum, harley, mkolandian, one20daze, Tryst, minkandsatin, flashman, nicolarson, ndk54, vincentsissy, squid3, deepdrag4mebaby, Vicio Sano, Benson&HedgesBoy, tarheel, bigduke69, PhilCigar, Horizon_menthol, thighboot, toffel22, diablo, smokeislife, brasilpow, lasontoni, sramas, saltydog48, neo42, Hawke1432, skyslicer75, noochboy, fardmann, racerx51, negro105, 99starman, derrobert, jurpe, ricardoreis, karaokepmp, sreaf, frank_emule, darklover, kevinmcg, Zack_, pimpin, ralphmalph, mountainman, cootesmeer, entregado, crazyidiotiam, Maximvs, sweet_vitix, adamling, tbelden, smokey69, sindre2104, pinganser, bilfert, havanaman, testingworld, hannamclure, Da Bull, BerkeleyMenthol, jaymzyshep, man948, woobiex, bill2008, Briggs, spike, tvsmokelover, angusog, splitshot638, Retro Roxy, smokegoggles, trawets, Saemsn, Fred1373, Doc_Sport, dannycad2001, texas74, mipmip, jlenil, ske17, rave1981, colinbell, george123, dannyman, umbro, zx6r306, itsbrian, thefan, Aarkey, thed0n, essss, AloHa, xdad72, mallysm, Howard, lululu, kj7770, elbren, grantsherwood, odin793, smokinblonde, ozzel2002, jump895, timmth1, WhiteGirl, Luvvkissn, dillaj90, Kolombin, kryptikkomatose, cigarwill, battman, Top68, Adventurous_uk, dereklisa, noname73uk, hengst, 2reticent, mr clean, doby222, m120_slover, mardar, gPsBassist, djsmoke, hunglee, jay101, yoaquinito, jamesedna, john23, trigger, Orlando, roluxke, Creedmoor, nihao, minskas100, beebean, jlsf10, dirty_bird, Kaeptn_Iglo, Iallen, mitzy..., SmkfetishNkc, cyberman09, felecia2002, pollux, klassy, mdj2018, nttv2, BuckBrown, SamoaJ, smokinglover, ofirkuper, upupu, clusterone, BlackCoffee, mike miles, maxpower, burton, smokersam, pbud01, riverside, Dewa99, Davidson, cigarhoops, Greene, ronron102, coldcard, nounou, harmony, suzieuktv, robespierre, George Tyerbyter, capnolagnia, smokering, ajlea2k, beamerman212, aa1981, fritzauskitz, thghgv, timsim, sickunderwood, ral_leather, mi655321, Moitajedi, borjaramos, roadrunner, sweepers, ADA412, wintersday34, Studybear, wolf30, borg_kim, bianca, Jamie Benson, Bickr1, frijj, srayn, russo2b001, b717xtm, Tai Shan, fritz, Lucia, kingdom, bobby_194, Mac Winters, benson100, Grendel, fyreken, 120sFinatic, kdogger58, bazzle001, padawan, endjake, anreben, ladyholder, gantz123, tanyalyn, Neill, partnparcel, zzab29, Churupica, countinguk, gwennie, marcos, Nicotina Tease, bohol90, elemar, locojo, kev85, LONEWOLF, toshiba, Teylor, DGoodh, pangelop, caddman, EdwardJ, Themistocles, chrislangdon, Cloves, gargoyle, CoolGlam, ulcusan, mrskibob, satalili, MenAreSlaves, sluttyemmy, Maxtor80, daniae, edan77, judgexo, AvroArrow, alman, her ashtray, woodnav, billybunter, Dejono, CasualVisitor, DarkriderIII, AngBNewport100s, styzer, fremen333, cassandratv120, Deeznuts2010, perfectkisser, gli_wrx, tonyk2000, Reaper1990, Fedro, naricson, Twizking, Lowtech, sandman, Slaveman, bimats, NYNY10, st4lt3r, greg_battiste, devrimcitansel, dysuc, gizmodgery, robito82, izthewiz, mappa201, jefflapp, smawka, jhaejhae, marmite, fireluver, MistrixMsE, spankyjames, pypcd, stephen1966, mikescigar, stonewall, elliotf9, sanderson, PenguinStreet, chromedome, mward180, smooch, christbacon, cigarsmokingman, gorfumbrage, bitkaz, Shania, Abandapart, Vesuvius, liorgr83, highrollerjiw, hobsshop, candider, maci3k, 72chev, GBVGUY, iznogod123, dajoma36, rulustick, USA Smokers, liljav1, newyork533, multiman, The Cookster, loadmaster011, thefireman, irina, Mike80, abells5150, Mom's_Little_TV, cockmongler, karatop, ralphus44, trouble1952, slayer4ever, risingtide, calismoke, nosay, behindthescenes, kotperski, wolfsmoke, 3tan3, Tonypizzicata, Malatesta., Silkcut2, dinomino, bbryan, dididi, Popo2, worldpeace, Jefka, boyfriday34, smoking_oysidius, Big Col 52, kidglove, ladyinsmoke, combatjiujitsu, 00smk00, svetlana, saveusrandy, musikman1, jeffgyxr, LemonFresh, src0241, mec898, MNutte, tiffany5269, castorex, bustypiercedsmokers, squonk12, DrForbin, Selina Minx, Tobbert, bymboo, reggie1, bernyberny, wilzam, lasttrip2, chaser, rustypnz, zcbmlui12, santabear, ryaz2u, robert90, Pimpedelic, Ropa69, plateman, dereksmith199020, alexnio39, Pepsi82, catalanbcn, st1zz, AngelusDawn, Bobnoxious, sigaretslave, randombrown29, sbjfet55, greatlaird1, rouxeau, Squirrel Hunter, smklvr69, chiburgen, mixoplixo, MALOIV, sperrier, mdm1960, huggebear, herbie fried2, Sargaso19, tays73, Dekard421, smokeyio2000, leesagrrl, Alamo001, truffle, adamchoc, jj21fla, jdick8, usersatch, cigarman, oihools, ello11, hermansuburban, niketalker8, peapot, sabeth17, Promark, gumboz17, fortune, Mrvincent2, tm200721, legion4ry, samourai1979, MarkIV, Kolonikos, tilov, Geronimo, brentjav, jjavos, sluttysmoker, fetishlove, smokinJim, StretchGSK, huwpig, catbuckle, esteban clarke, caveman777, japoniec, Harper, MicGio2, 5iveuk2, helohero2, adarkmistress, Hannahlisa, Lorablack2, bobs894, mashaw, phillsmith32, nondyan, block, madchenwillkomm2, chronoc, spock, smoking12345, aprendiz76, doominicus2, dervish99, photosheer, karpov, bobafett, tarinlungs, funkydischarge, rustybx, wolfman, yoohoo, Shadow_dragoN, CrazySwede1966, jbeanz2017, jsmo2000, johann, strangeuk, mucilon, dueager2001, FreddyF, metallicsnake, Jedra, tonyp, willsner08, anwarhc2, whiterhino00, zlykapucyn, bigkwk, jslim986, panette, nottoosure, MNR__, xikuzus2, salesmaster1, stacy, methodmanredman, tuatara, san francisco girls, blasko, skifla, thunder55, ojiisanhikui, artemusjones, bmthrash, illinifan311, Darkstar1280, britneydoesdoit, voodoosmoking, MichelleRose, ruicosta, palmpilot, sugarfiend, yolanda, pdiddy, wilwat, madwhacker, ap2534, drfyadtom, DiscreetDog, Didier, jessicaalba7v, fetcand, karadok, SmokeAce, alparisien, performax, ijiji, dthcdthc, dan7ley, scooterman, IbenSG, joeschmou, kristinNwpBOX100s, mirrimus, mlt055120, bolt77, bobo57, magicrat1960, mickswagger, wazzy68, goatman4724, nancylachance, GIACOMO!!, Level_FF, John Benson, ss36f, bigshark101, aeryonz, nancy, Sir Raleigh Vanderpool, lobo68, warren, splashy, albgolf, mmm hmm, diosif, Felix Culpa, kodos9000, locosmoke, cigart3, tassmand, tiberio75, nav1701e, bimbo, pedroneto, maluki34, muryru, tford, clint barton, AustinSwingerCpl, gnome-guy, davidluisbega, andrucharm, Lgore69, Odet-Cascadec-Bollor, dean407, easttexas, rol124, vimmers, arioch7, kenmc153, barista, kallikene, Rachel Loves Cock!, jaloose, valalei, dsarge55, pacopil, monstrodobiscoito, dogfish1, OneSmoke, asfs64, vipswsalta, farmermick, thetigerscorpio, Gugman55, bllclntn, MasterNewb, pchantalat, Kel37, Lance1962, Outlawps, mauka123, englishjohn, Goodtimes27, Xsmoking1, dontakuri, wmedici, zappata, patagonica, Wob_m, scottc, Nickos, user0726, day12day, Mykhael, Tom1988, Redcloak31, sfkpm501, mattj123443, lesparis, Regy69,, sexcuir, userloser, TS interrupted, andrew85uk, ilpl604, multidrags, Stenonis, stormee98, Smokerella, biggs85, big-shot, Luciana.Veneto, xxbraddiesxx, odin45, paco_alias2003, mrwolf, hobbs0077, juice_terry, frog352000, Alienmojo, erjebeth321, ROSSYOK, saxon, jet231, skellman, Smawka2, ForceFed79, welltea, prioda, DaniBR, FKeagle4, capt_kirk_uk, sacon, simonhillman, Rubbertooth, averagejoe, speedking59, alanb, tigersmurf, zadude, Hitman79, mds61, LipstickLover, scriminel, Anna_Stromberg, wolf wilde, greenswift, marlbororedhead, miller6225, neworder73, rockstar31, Katyacd, ashboy04, Bob W., canopus, nilrs, BigRed, booted, bradsubmale60, wcs69, corsair1210, Goldengrin, ScottAdams, cydia, Smoothal, dudemz, Estopa, jables, kibo666, sfblgr, jay155, tonyhud, jimmyjazz, lazymonday, Zarah Carlton, smokelvr1971, 2kool, k0ala, HenryPearson, Scuba27, Dogg1013, pale_horse, Danobie, ptsd1, teelok, Ali Baba, DC Taco, lizard11, B.B.B., smokeymike5, Ulrich, 3-in-6, FacialFanatic, McMuddy51, nicobling, cjmv50, mikey.t, aug47, agorrih, C00lC, mgm4lsu, nomercy1980, f.bondee, skydyed, vasya_x, Nube Plateada, firebird, PetraPaul, ixinski, chubbie1, smoker65, burlychi, meltin, cloudy, Magolas, fetishaddict, Soulfly, d71ho, Krelian15, greenkeeper96, bigbacon66, MilkyWhiteCenter, ovrnight, talon9, smokefetishfan, smokinjoe62, happygilmore, smokingshemalefan, xxxpoc, panache, Smoking Dawn, derrick1025, BillClinton, marty simms, turtlesarecool99, eandcingram, george1010, beppes77, catacroker, Varmint, homer, hollwocheeks, pernesieus, tzdon, paliv, AnnabelEnzo, mellowman, Mickey77, Hula_, Key888, nebelschwade, smk1234, itsme, kevhead22, cygnet, urkamamil, jlove89144, Thesmkml, italico, SmokeLover0428, animalrev1, smokingfetish70, shopslave11, marco05, jsmoke1025, Balthazar Blake, welshlad, garyh, hgfan1010, akil ammar, franLO, Sophie Smoke, Wellin, breterocar, simpleton, molson dry, boner punch, Secret Smoky Room, budge, CamelBlues, vertigo, avallon, diver303, cdavid, wfppp, zonkla, Baeron, anthonycam, jonesy4567, Bussprin, smkrtc, britmick, mak69, drop74, kw2012, Felipe, Tinatwist, han solo, holder fan, berrysmoke, Gokiritsu, smokin.babes, lessthanjake, laughingoutloud, ashboy2012, mbentertainment23, kellonson, bishop88, eduardo82, Harley_Stone, echlol, darth octavius, airwolfone, stilettonails, joana.cigarswagger, Mwoodrow1990, Rusky, miss.smokey, dave_2007, TheMoreDiva, bfa79, smokefan1, yopyopyopyop, SF_Guy, smoking-essex19, Iamlegendary, tonicadroni, djekk, allanallan, wops1971, leather49101, Vinz Clortho, Drakin, samkhoury, recall, bebetomas, tkoniu1969, smokinggirlfetish, xraydude, MagCat, porrazo, spanqee, jackwxyz, katarina, Vegeta, dazzy, bloody joke, CougarPrey, ptpos, Boblabinne, sexysmokingmum, mamo6969, Jarworski, Rancid, lucca, Maturin, sfbdel, Leathersmoke81, JayJaySmokin, philtin, Jefkip, stephanie, bajsarne79, tomc37, Villainess Studio, smokeyboy60, fjrpojlo, saudade, Smokey Dokey, smush, Old Chestnut, jejs69, BR26354, Slsmike, scooterNo1, lovebbwsmokers, Cruel Fem, flipflap, Flix2501, Keks8969, 49holbrook, 69smoke, Ozium99, rushyescrim, stenhiuse, GarGirls, zenmasterdj, hacker36, Blablaosv, RuEmerald, DeeCee123, eve120lover, bbwmanbtown, mindnumb, Pdlogger, brthsmk, vanno, Lady CherieNoir, RachaelSMKaesthete, the_king2009, KingLerxst, granthem, jeanmarie, hannoilightup, Smokemystogie, Ghostship, danone, CIGARBT, Al_21, oscar_s, jokovino, smking_ladies_lover, LostWorld, gregorsamsa95, super66, ancient, mike45, giudagiu, bearmac, verde, Corno, Darkzeus, Smoklok, Rune14, vee460, dman81469, CLP_ED, PrismaticRoom, karsten1975, jaguarr,, vansmouk, Smoke., teddy, lisardo10, ferrari italiano, baneofsmoking, SmokeEater, Oysidius, Gladstone, indosmoker, colin_f50, jules2620, CapriPink, LaraDeLuxe, saint1228, snowdrop, Cfoxx, eurosmoke-fanboy, bonesdelarge, mstevens434, rested, bob zoz, Draven, jjstokes, ariel87, Jcrazy1150, johndoeitaly, Rustrally, MyDemonLover, radds1963, hrpuffnstuff, cigfetisher01, Corkslvr, tezes, santoluzbel77, sentinel, HerosKsantis666, nmdjh123, Karanr, CowgirlStyler, bethanny, chunkyman, Tyler Durden, dick butt, pete1200, bootlove, vanessa tarte, Fielding Mellish, Giugiola, smokelove123, Joselyn Pink, Matchlight, GoddessGemma, kindofblue, John Public, marmont, nosign, Shannon Denae, smoke4me2008, m1040499, Adam81, duval, Juniorjunior, sameersagar89, Smokestroker, carontrample, Hurrhurr1234, Kevws, MistressRougeUK, PointeDu, Juggalo, ThatsEvil, mammamia1, Pirhana04, AkiraShell, Londoner, CozyCodi, Jd1690, demonchildd666, bouha, keyserkeyser, Alliance studios, mastersjoke, shinichi, Metal_Mickey, LadyRuby, guddi1, rammram, jasonwingman, rfrancis01, bbmc39, Julien, contact_vk, tommy1142, Openbeta, oren000111, jessicasmk, hadoukenchips, johnnytslide2, shesmokes100s, steppenwolf, soma198, slut2use, Smkrgrl, thisisalbundy1, chryme, Rauchen Frau, CaptainVideo, Langtowncup, bdcarlo, silverwindmiguel, Joice, WaltersEgos, yoppy69, SmokyRad, VirginiaSX, NicotinEL, dca68, luvfilter, jerricho, Soup7, whyamihere?, leroydude, rafrrafr, 78TRN, Digital, Darkstar24601, estebanclarke, smokeyboy_911, Foxhunter, Fetishart57, Srthom, borynotsmk, pvckat, dylonsmith, ddd555, argonautbell, mash87th, tightexhale, K-Com, Awiat, T0nyK, talisman45, slavek999, DavidJohnG, pablolopez, Macrok, dearsmoker, Ludvig, MannySanchez, bonixuk, sausack76, makeup, capnolagniac, BigSmoke90, Dozer, Candela, Satanicsmoker, Susan Smokes, Subjimuk, JMS1984, Bootsmoker, Foxxy, kygo69, VAsmoker, magiczorro, capnolagnia0013, Dakota Fetish, pepee1965
Request Award
Charlemagne Medal Charlemagne Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 500 attachments to SFK.

Members who received this award: 540
, Weatherman, gr1m, ricric, bulletdude, alloverthemap, Quietboy, BLUEOYSTERCULT, 3lions, jaybee101, Blackbladder, TheKingOfPain, franka, fabiani, kayacan42, strawman7474, Tinker, pcolakid, smokerxxx20000, salami, cigardj, smokyfetisher, robbyg1986, Ryapan, marco, madchenwillkomm, stefgitanes, x5cey, Salomon, visualsmoke, AMC81, ericcartjman, smoking_girl_lover, Byonic, smokeyemile, zorg, bteen80, shark99, SuperShooter, fotografoleo, trosha, motorbot, lasttrip, srv327, algist, fflint100, johjue120s, jlon33, takealook, trevorspiro, brooksie1946, cccigar, ddgregoryy, smokeman50, smokyb, Kirby, Winger534, vanbruje, swmuk04, hudson72, andregoto, suzie, KundaliniKinkster, cbk456, Capnofagnia, Lizza69, frogdude2100, memadnow, "R.D.", Joey Hammer, edstoddard64, Wheels63, siegurd, Rawflame, Phantom II, wanchor64, geopot, koltranus, lornastuart, SilverFoot, Disgruntled, Gojira, Scope2351, paul353, incognito, ah1000, Rothbhoy, tgirlsmoking, erikalilpryncess, DarkKnight, hardtoy, yeti575, nickbread, joesoap, farutopia, abvavgprime8, condor3, tente222, mrhughes33, tchaiky, wicasa, darkervic, sonpao, max80128, Twicker, swedishsmoker, kazed2203, Diane Knox, jon4_1999, kprhldrfaq, morefinder,, MicGio, Vesperae, turkey, LloydBank$, luv2watch, bigal999_999, ChiStogie, smokey7575, vanessacuir, marveltube83, Marb100smults, MRix85, lustforlooove, Hell On Heels, Mrvincent, sethmorgan, supremorolero, schwenks10, deanm65, SirLion, hutoh, profviolao, glenn1000, Merca Constance, veltjens, pro64, ossie99, tim4lb, roxy1234, Bidius, SnapNinjah, Drumstick46, nairbcon, trmax12, GuntherGunt, n0tAn00b, usemymouth, templeda, vernakarey, Chudak, werner, majic12, aficionadalover, samjanus, sigep91, the_jackal1962, hulk12, BENTLEY_59, InChina, hgoergens, grogor02, dirtyb, 5iveuk, mamoulian69, SmokinTamiTV, mrcohiba, Gazza2009, Tawni, mordum, mkolandian, flashman, squid3, Vicio Sano, Benson&HedgesBoy, bigduke69, PhilCigar, toffel22, diablo, smokeislife, brasilpow, lasontoni, Hawke1432, noochboy, racerx51, negro105, sreaf, darklover, pimpin, ralphmalph, mountainman, cootesmeer, entregado, crazyidiotiam, bilfert, jaymzyshep, man948, bill2008, tvsmokelover, Retro Roxy, Saemsn, dannycad2001, jlenil, colinbell, george123, dannyman, Aarkey, essss, xdad72, mallysm, kj7770, grantsherwood, odin793, timmth1, WhiteGirl, Luvvkissn, mr clean, mardar, jamesedna, john23, Creedmoor, nihao, minskas100, ofirkuper, upupu, burton, Dewa99, Davidson, suzieuktv, robespierre, George Tyerbyter, beamerman212, timsim, Moitajedi, sweepers, ADA412, frijj, srayn, russo2b001, Tai Shan, fritz, Grendel, 120sFinatic, anreben, tanyalyn, countinguk, marcos, elemar, locojo, toshiba, DGoodh, Themistocles, gargoyle, ulcusan, sluttyemmy, edan77, AvroArrow, her ashtray, Fedro, bimats, NYNY10, greg_battiste, izthewiz, jhaejhae, mikescigar, chromedome, mward180, smooch, Shania, Abandapart, candider, maci3k, iznogod123, USA Smokers, newyork533, The Cookster, loadmaster011, trouble1952, slayer4ever, calismoke, nosay, kotperski, Silkcut2, Popo2, boyfriday34, kidglove, combatjiujitsu, 00smk00, svetlana, LemonFresh, tiffany5269, castorex, DrForbin, Tobbert, reggie1, bernyberny, lasttrip2, chaser, zcbmlui12, plateman, Pepsi82, sbjfet55, Squirrel Hunter, MALOIV, huggebear, herbie fried2, Sargaso19, cigarman, ello11, hermansuburban, sabeth17, Promark, Mrvincent2, samourai1979, StretchGSK, catbuckle, japoniec, MicGio2, 5iveuk2, helohero2, Hannahlisa, Lorablack2, bobs894, mashaw, madchenwillkomm2, chronoc, aprendiz76, doominicus2, photosheer, karpov, bobafett, tarinlungs, yoohoo, CrazySwede1966, jbeanz2017, jsmo2000, johann, strangeuk, mucilon, dueager2001, willsner08, anwarhc2, whiterhino00, nottoosure, MNR__, xikuzus2, salesmaster1, tuatara, san francisco girls, skifla, artemusjones, illinifan311, britneydoesdoit, ruicosta, ap2534, DiscreetDog, Didier, jessicaalba7v, scooterman, kristinNwpBOX100s, bobo57, John Benson, bigshark101, nancy, Sir Raleigh Vanderpool, lobo68, warren, splashy, cigart3, tassmand, tiberio75, maluki34, muryru, clint barton, andrucharm, Lgore69, Odet-Cascadec-Bollor, rol124, kenmc153, jaloose, OneSmoke, thetigerscorpio, bllclntn, pchantalat, Xsmoking1, patagonica, scottc, user0726, Mykhael, Redcloak31, sfkpm501, lesparis,, ilpl604, multidrags, Smokerella, Luciana.Veneto, odin45, paco_alias2003, mrwolf, hobbs0077, Alienmojo, FKeagle4, Hitman79, mds61, wolf wilde, marlbororedhead, Katyacd, booted, bradsubmale60, corsair1210, Goldengrin, sfblgr, k0ala, Danobie, ptsd1, DC Taco, B.B.B., smokeymike5, Ulrich, aug47, C00lC, f.bondee, skydyed, Magolas, d71ho, smokinjoe62, happygilmore, Smoking Dawn, BillClinton, marty simms, Varmint, tzdon, mellowman, Hula_, Key888, cygnet, urkamamil, Thesmkml, italico, animalrev1, smokingfetish70, jsmoke1025, Balthazar Blake, garyh, Wellin, boner punch, vertigo, Bussprin, smkrtc, drop74, holder fan, berrysmoke, smokin.babes, laughingoutloud, mbentertainment23, airwolfone, Rusky, dave_2007, smokefan1, djekk, allanallan, wops1971, tkoniu1969, MagCat, jackwxyz, Vegeta, dazzy, Boblabinne, Jarworski, sfbdel, Jefkip, Villainess Studio, fjrpojlo, Old Chestnut, Slsmike, flipflap, Keks8969, stenhiuse, zenmasterdj, RuEmerald, eve120lover, brthsmk, RachaelSMKaesthete, the_king2009, hannoilightup, oscar_s, jokovino, bearmac, vee460, vansmouk, Gladstone, colin_f50, snowdrop, mstevens434, Draven, Rustrally, hrpuffnstuff, Karanr, CowgirlStyler, Tyler Durden, bootlove, Fielding Mellish, Giugiola, nosign, Shannon Denae, m1040499, duval, Juniorjunior, Smokestroker, Hurrhurr1234, Kevws, PointeDu, Pirhana04, demonchildd666, bouha, keyserkeyser, shinichi, Metal_Mickey, bbmc39, oren000111, johnnytslide2, steppenwolf, Rauchen Frau, CaptainVideo, Langtowncup, silverwindmiguel, Joice, SmokyRad, Darkstar24601, ddd555, mash87th, Ludvig, bonixuk, capnolagniac, Subjimuk, JMS1984, Bootsmoker, capnolagnia0013
Request Award
Saint Louis Medal Saint Louis Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 5000 attachments or 5 GB to SFK.

Members who received this award: 160
Weatherman, bulletdude, alloverthemap, Quietboy, jaybee101, TheKingOfPain, fabiani, Tinker, madchenwillkomm, Byonic, trosha, motorbot, lasttrip, fflint100, johjue120s, brooksie1946, smokeman50, smokyb, andregoto, memadnow, edstoddard64, Wheels63, siegurd, Phantom II, koltranus, lornastuart, Gojira, Scope2351, joesoap, wicasa, sonpao, swedishsmoker, MicGio, marveltube83, MRix85, lustforlooove, supremorolero, glenn1000, tim4lb, Bidius, SnapNinjah, trmax12, werner, samjanus, sigep91, the_jackal1962, grogor02, Gazza2009, mordum, PhilCigar, brasilpow, darklover, pimpin, mountainman, cootesmeer, bilfert, man948, tvsmokelover, dannycad2001, jlenil, colinbell, george123, Aarkey, mallysm, john23, upupu, suzieuktv, sweepers, ADA412, Themistocles, gargoyle, sluttyemmy, AvroArrow, Fedro, NYNY10, jhaejhae, mward180, Abandapart, maci3k, newyork533, loadmaster011, Silkcut2, Popo2, kidglove, tiffany5269, reggie1, lasttrip2, zcbmlui12, sbjfet55, Squirrel Hunter, herbie fried2, Sargaso19, Mrvincent2, MicGio2, 5iveuk2, bobs894, madchenwillkomm2, aprendiz76, karpov, bobafett, CrazySwede1966, whiterhino00, nottoosure, MNR__, DiscreetDog, Didier, jessicaalba7v, scooterman, Sir Raleigh Vanderpool, lobo68, splashy, cigart3, tiberio75, clint barton, kenmc153, thetigerscorpio, patagonica, user0726, lesparis, ilpl604, Smokerella, hobbs0077, wolf wilde, booted, bradsubmale60, sfblgr, ptsd1, smokeymike5, happygilmore, Varmint, Hula_, cygnet, urkamamil, Bussprin, airwolfone, dave_2007, MagCat, sfbdel, Slsmike, RuEmerald, brthsmk, RachaelSMKaesthete, jokovino, Gladstone, colin_f50, hrpuffnstuff, bootlove, Giugiola, Juniorjunior, Hurrhurr1234, shinichi, oren000111, CaptainVideo, Langtowncup, silverwindmiguel, SmokyRad, mash87th, JMS1984, Bootsmoker, capnolagnia0013
Request Award
François Premier Medal François Premier Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 10,000 attachments or 10 GB to SFK.

Members who received this award: 95
Weatherman, bulletdude, alloverthemap, Quietboy, jaybee101, fabiani, Tinker, trosha, motorbot, lasttrip, johjue120s, brooksie1946, smokeman50, smokyb, andregoto, memadnow, edstoddard64, Wheels63, siegurd, Phantom II, lornastuart, Gojira, Scope2351, joesoap, wicasa, supremorolero, glenn1000, Bidius, SnapNinjah, werner, samjanus, grogor02, mordum, PhilCigar, darklover, cootesmeer, man948, tvsmokelover, dannycad2001, jlenil, colinbell, george123, john23, ADA412, Fedro, NYNY10, mward180, Abandapart, newyork533, Popo2, kidglove, lasttrip2, Squirrel Hunter, herbie fried2, MicGio2, 5iveuk2, bobs894, madchenwillkomm2, karpov, bobafett, CrazySwede1966, whiterhino00, MNR__, DiscreetDog, Didier, jessicaalba7v, scooterman, Sir Raleigh Vanderpool, lobo68, splashy, cigart3, tiberio75, user0726, ilpl604, bradsubmale60, sfblgr, ptsd1, smokeymike5, happygilmore, cygnet, urkamamil, MagCat, Slsmike, RuEmerald, RachaelSMKaesthete, Gladstone, Juniorjunior, Hurrhurr1234, oren000111, CaptainVideo, silverwindmiguel, SmokyRad, JMS1984, Bootsmoker, capnolagnia0013
Request Award
Henri IV Medal Henri IV Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 25,000 attachments or 25 GB to SFK.

Request Award
Louis XIV Medal Louis XIV Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 50,000 attachments or 50 GB to SFK.

Request Award
Louis XVI Medal Louis XVI Medal
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 100,000 attachments or 100 GB to SFK.

Request Award
Napoleon's Legion of Honor Napoleon's Legion of Honor
This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 500 000 attachments or 500 GB to SFK.

Request Award

Yet Another Awards System v4.0.9